The Violence Project's co-founder Jillian Peterson was featured in a segment by CNN about the rise in mass shootings throughout the country. "Jillian Peterson, Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Hamline University, said, 'That type of violence has been surging through the pandemic, and now in 2021 we're really seeing … [Read more...]
Halfway through 2021, the US has seen more than 280 mass shootings, including one in Iowa
Age of Mass Shooting Victims
Following the Congressional Research Service definition of a mass shooting, between 1966-2020 there have been 1,215 victims ranging in age from 1 to 98 years old. #victims #data #violence Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Hostages at Mass Shootings
Out of 171 shootings from 1966-2020, only 22 involved a hostage or kidnapping situation #database #data #DidYouKnow #ViolencePrevention Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Recent Spate of Mass Shootings Is Among Worst in U.S. History
A string of mass shootings over the past three months as the U.S. re-opened from the pandemic was one of the worst on record, and law-enforcement officials are fearful of more to come. There were five attacks in which four or more people were killed in public places from March through May, matching the highest three-month total going back to … [Read more...]
Recent Spate of Mass Shootings Is Among Worst in U.S. History
Some powerful visual representations of our mass shooting #data in the @WSJ today. Thanks to @ZushaElinson @asincopado and @KatherineERiley Article from the Wall Street Journal here. Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]