“Several shootings at a local park. A gun found in a student’s bag. A call to 911 about gunfire at a local football game. As a community, Bloomington is not immune from gun violence. In fact, according to Captain Scott Oldham of the Bloomington Police Department (BPD), Bloomington is far from quiet when it comes to gun violence. “Bloomington has turned out to be a place where we have more than our share of violence,” Oldham says. Each incident presents the possibility of a mass shooting in a community where no one wants to believe that it could happen here. Mass shootings are not an urban problem. Some have happened in communities smaller than Bloomington…”
Within this article, Rebecca Hill discusses what has occurred since Columbine and what steps can be taken to reduce the threat of mass shootings in the future. Drawing upon Dr. Jillian Peterson and Dr. James Densley book “The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic” and other data sources, Hill discusses intervention techniques and support strategies that may prevent mass shootings.
Author: Rebecca Hill
Source:Limestone Post