The Violence Project's Jillian Peterson spoke with reporters from WCCO news after appearing on CBS This Morning. They discussed Dr. Peterson's research and findings about common risk factors. Watch the segment or read about it here. Source: WCCO News Author: Kate Raddatz … [Read more...]
Violence Project Seeks To Shift Focus From Reaction To Prevention In Mass Shootings
Watch: Common traits like childhood trauma, behavioral changes link mass shooters
The Violence Project has studied every U.S. mass shooting since 1966. Its database, which is not publicly available yet, includes 160 mass shooters who have killed four or more people in a public place. Nearly all were male and the average age was 34-years-old. The study found most shooters shared common traits, like experiencing childhood trauma. … [Read more...]
University of North Carolina at Charlotte shooting has these things in common with other campus shootings
The Violence Project's founders Jill Peterson and James Densley wrote an article in The Conversation examining the University of North Carolina at Charlotte shooting and comparing it to prior campus shootings across the country. Peterson and Densley review common characteristics of campus shooters, from demographics to childhood trauma. Their … [Read more...]