Officials state the motivation behind the FedEx shooting was not racial nor ethnic bias, but rather an ‘act of suicidal murder.' Based on our data, 84% of perpetrators who intended to die during the shooting did so. Read more about the FedEx shooter here. Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Suicidality in relation to Outcome on Scene
On-Scene Outcomes of Mass Shootings
“In every case, this was intended to be their final act... the perpetrator doesn't intend to make it through the #shooting - they are either killed by #police, they shoot themselves, or they spend the rest of their lives behind bars” - Dr. Peterson, … [Read more...]
Was the Insanity Defense Used at Trial?
Did you know? Of the mass shooters who have faced trial, 31 used the #insanity defense and 30 did not. The majority of shooters were dead before their #trial. #violence Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]