On this podcast, Dr. Jillian Peterson discusses the Oxford High School shooting as well as prevention strategies for the future. Listen here Source: This Morning … [Read more...]
1208 IN FOCUS 3: Discussion on the Michigan school shooting and how to avoid such incidents from happening
Op-Ed: The powerful message behind charging the parents in the Michigan school shooting
"The latest school shooting tragedy, in Michigan on Nov. 30, shares many common traits with those that came before it. The suspect was a young male student at the school in the midst of a noticeable crisis. He had communicated intent to do harm. He got a firearm from a family member who had failed to store it securely. But one crucial thing is … [Read more...]
CNN Newsroom with Jim Sciutto
Dr. Jillian Peterson discusses the Oxford High School shooting including the role of the perpetrators parents, missed red flags, and what that means for the case overall. Watch here Source: CNN … [Read more...]
CNN Newsroom with Pamela Brown
In light of the Oxford High School mass shooting, Dr. Jillian Peterson discusses how active shooting drills within schools are not working and can potentially provide a "blueprint" for perpetrators for more attacks. Watch here Source: CNN … [Read more...]
Red flags and warning signs of school shootings
Dr. James Densley discusses the research of The Violence Project and their findings behind warning signs and red flags that a shooting may occur. These findings are translated into information to prevent school shootings in light of the recent Oxford High School shooting. Watch here Source: NewsNation … [Read more...]