After deadly school shootings at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland, many states mandated School Resource Officers or provided funding for districts to hire them. Lawmakers also considered arming teachers. Florida now requires a law enforcement officer or trained school guardian in every school. By examining every recorded incident where one or … [Read more...]
Presence of Armed School Officials and Fatal and Nonfatal Gunshot Injuries During Mass School Shootings, United States, 1980-2019
Press Release – Study Finds Armed Officers Increase Mortality in School Mass Shootings
Saint Paul, Minn. -- More people die in school mass shootings where an armed officer is present according to a study published by Minnesota researchers in the peer-reviewed journal, JAMA Open Network on February 16, 2021. The study, led by Hamline University professor Dr. Jillian Peterson, examined every case since 1980 where one or more people … [Read more...]
Changing School Violence Prevention Approaches
While the names of victims and perpetrators are spread by the media, survivors of school shootings tend to be overlooked. Yet, the people directly affected by school shootings do not simply disappear. Missy Dodds is using her experience as a survivor of the 2005 Red Lake school shooting to reorient violence prevention approaches. Since the shooting … [Read more...]
A New York village averted a potential school shooting. Parents are still furious.
After a school shooting plot was thwarted at a New York middle school, the school district faced numerous questions from parents about what is going to happen next. The three students remain on school suspension facing charges of second-degree conspiracy. The Violence Project's Jill Peterson discussed the importance of talking to the would-be … [Read more...]
Research reveals common traits behind mass shootings
The Violence Project's co-founder James Densley spoke with 9 News to discuss findings in the new Mass Shooter Database, specifically about mental health troubles and suicidality. Read the full article from 9 News here. … [Read more...]