Professor Jillian Peterson spoke with John Wanamaker on MPR about the differences between the Las Vegas gunman and other mass shooters she has studied. Dr. Peterson is working with Professor James Densley to better understand why mass shootings happen and ways to prevent them. Listen to the segment on MPR here. The Associated Press … [Read more...]
‘This shooter is a little different’: Hamline professor studies mass shootings
Hamline team researches the ‘why’ behind mass shootings
The Violence Project's Jillian Peterson sat down with Jana Shortal to discuss her research into mass shooters. As opposed to looking at mass shootings individually, Peterson and a team of students are looking at more than 25 years of mass shootings to compile a list of 130 mass shooters and identify commonalities. "When we try to prevent crime, … [Read more...]
How common are mass shootings?
"The massacre in Las Vegas is being called the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. To some, it seems like these tragedies happen more often. But do they?" The Violence Project's Jillian Peterson spoke with Heather Brown about the different ways to define mass shootings and how those definitions impact how common they are. Read the … [Read more...]
Trying to make sense of mass shootings
Dr. Jill Peterson sat down with Jana Shortal to discuss how to process mass shootings. "I think as we get hit with more of these events, they're happening over and over and over again, it's human. You have to let the shock wear off. It's not going to hit you in the same way. We learn sort of psychologically how to process this and so it just … [Read more...]