Listen Here "Close to 290 people have been killed or wounded by gunshots in Minneapolis in the first half of 2021. That’s about double the number of people hit by bullets in the first six months of each of the previous four years. Homicides jumped from 22 to 40 in that same period. The deaths of two children hit the Twin Cities especially … [Read more...]
What causes gun violence and how can we stop it?
Relationship Status of Perpetrators
Out of 174 perpetrators of mass shootings, 46% (80 individuals) were single at the time. #data #database #relationshipstatus #violence Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Unpacking the Violence Project: Episode 136
"Mass shootings account for only 0.2% of firearm deaths in the US a year -- but their impact is large, deeply traumatizing survivors, their communities, and the country as a whole. How do we, as a nation, try to prevent these mass shootings? And what commonalities exist between not just these shootings, but the shooters themselves? To find out, … [Read more...]
Recent Employment Change or Trouble
Based on 174 mass shooting cases between 1966-2020, 88 of the shooters recently underwent employment change or trouble. #data #workplace #ViolencePrevention Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
When Firearms were Obtained
Out of 380 firearms found at mass shooting scenes between 1966-2020, nearly a quarter were purchased less than one month prior to the shooting. #data #firearms #ViolencePrevention Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]