The livestreamed video of Wednesday's deadly shooting in Halle, Germany has potentially been viewed by millions of people after being posted on the Twitch gaming platform. A Twitch spokesperson has said that "Twitch has a zero-tolerance policy against hateful conduct, and any act of violence is taken extremely seriously." After the Christchurch … [Read more...]
Germany shooting livestreamed despite efforts by tech firms
What school shooters have in common
School shooters have four things in common and those four things present opportunities for intervention. Source: Education Week Authors: Jillian Peterson and James Densley … [Read more...]
Gen Z, Millennials Twice as Concerned About Active Shooters as Baby Boomers, Survey Finds
Members of Gen Z and millennials are twice as concerned about mass shooters as baby boomers, according to a new survey commissioned by the software firm CentralSquare. The poll found that 46 percent of Gen Z-ers and 39 percent of millennials reported worrying about active shooters or armed assailants while out in public, compared with just 22 … [Read more...]
10 Undeniable Facts About Mass Shootings in America
Mass shootings have become such a regular fixture on the news that it has been difficult to stay on top of each new incident. In fact, according to a recent article in the New York Times, there have been 26 mass shootings in summer 2019 alone, leaving 126 people dead. Of course, it’s no secret that this type of violence is a problem in the United … [Read more...]