The following is a transcript and video recording of Jillian Peterson and James Densley on Face the Nation. In this interview, they discuss their research on mass shooters, what they found with crisis intervention, how this applies to schools and gun ownership, and much more. Read and watch here. Author: Face the Nation Source: CBS News … [Read more...]
Transcript: Dr. Jillian Peterson and Dr. James Densley on “Face the Nation,” June 12, 2022
The Mass Shootings Where Stricter Gun Laws Might Have Made a Difference
"If the key gun control proposals now being considered in Congress had been law since 1999, four gunmen younger than 21 would have been blocked from legally buying the rifles they used in mass shootings. At least four other assailants would have been subject to a required background check, instead of slipping through a loophole. Ten might have … [Read more...]
A Disturbing New Pattern in Mass Shootings: Young Assailants
"Six of the nine deadliest mass shootings in the United States since 2018 were by people who were 21 or younger, representing a shift for mass casualty shootings, which before 2000 were most often initiated by men in their mid-20s, 30s and 40s. “We see two clusters when it comes to mass shooters, people in their 40s who commit workplace type … [Read more...]
What Makes a Mass Shooter?
"In America, unthinkable violence has become routine. In the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, David Remnick speaks with the researchers Jillian Peterson and James Densley, whose book, “The Violence Project,” is the most in-depth study of mass shooters to date. Pro-gun politicians may continue to block any measures to … [Read more...]
2 mass shootings — 1,700 miles apart but bound by startling similarities
"Though the motivations in these particular cases likely differ, the suspects of these shootings, and others like it, have a lot in common, according to James Densley and Jillian Peterson, co-founders of The Violence Project. Their research organization studies gun violence, mass shootings and violent extremism. "Usually what's motivating these … [Read more...]