According to our data, about 58% of perpetrators died on scene before even being arrested. #results #data #research #Database Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
On Scene Outcome
Leakage of Plans prior to shooting?
Reports show the Oxford perpetrator's parents failed to acknowledge signs their child would commit a mass shooting. Our data shows 44.1% of perpetrators, like the Oxford perpetrator, leak their plans ahead of time. #oxfordhighschool #warning #sign Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Victim Total Years of Life Lost
According to our data, in looking at the life expectancy of victims compared to the age they lost their lives, a total of 40,910.5 years of innocent life have been lost from mass shootings. For more data, visit #lives #lost #victims #data #database Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Suicidality of Perpetrators
Nearly 71% of perpetrators of mass shootings were suicidal. Crisis intervention must be prioritized to support those in need. For more data, visit #data #database #suicide #crisis Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Mental Health of Perpetrators
Of 180 perpetrators, 39 showed signs of mental illness but received no diagnosis. While we must not equate mental health and mass shootings, it is important to de-stigmatize mental health and support those in a crisis. #support #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness #crisis For more, read here Source: Twitter Return to all data … [Read more...]