In order to prevent school shootings, Minnesota lawmakers direct funds and policy towards school lockdown drills and security infrastructure. The Violence Project's co-founders Jillian Peterson and James Densley believe this approach is inadequate in actually preventing school shootings. Rather than lockdown drills, Peterson argues for putting … [Read more...]
Experts: Minnesota’s strategy on school gun attacks wrong
We can do more to prevent mass workplace shootings like Aurora, Illinois
Since the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, violence prevention has largely targeted schools. Lockdown drills, arming teachers, metal detectors, and evacuation plans are just some of the strategies form for schools. Meanwhile, there have been four times as many mass shootings in workplaces. There have been almost 50 workplace shooters in the … [Read more...]
School shooters usually show these signs of distress long before they open fire, our database shows
One of the biggest challenges schools face when averting school shootings is recognizing and acting upon warning signs. School shooters almost always give warning signs well before opening fire. The majority showed signs of a crisis and leaked their plans ahead of time on social media. The Violence Project's founders Jill Peterson and James … [Read more...]
Researchers: Suicidal Behavior Precedes Mass Shootings, But No Real Pattern
Hamline University hosted a presentation on mass shooters Friday night. Hamline assistant professor Dr. Jillian Peterson and Dr. James Densley from Metropolitan State University spoke about their research study. Along with a team of Hamline students, they created a database of 150 mass shooters, based on 50 life variables. “What we found … [Read more...]
Is Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training evidence-based practice? A systematic review
This study reviews 25 empirical research articles that have examined the impact of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training over the past 10 years. Overall, little can be said about the effectiveness of CIT training due to varying outcomes, a reliance on self-report data, lack of comparison or control groups, and inadequate follow-up data. Results … [Read more...]