Violent #videogames are often cited as precursors to people acting out violently or with increased aggression. Our #data shows that fewer #massshooters play violent video games than do not. We should be rethinking narratives about #violenceprevention. Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Violent Video Game Playing by Mass Shooters
Mass Shooters with Hate Group Associations (by age)
Did you know? Mass shooters with #hate group associations are a minority of perpetrators, but they've more than tripled since 2016. These shooters tend to be younger, and the concentrations of them by age mirrors the total number of mass shooters by age. #prevention Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Frequency of Hate as a Motivator of Mass Shootings
Mass shootings motivated by #hate have doubled since the 2016 election. Other motivators such as psychosis, employment, legal issues, and domestic issues have remained stable or decreased in frequency. We must keep working to #prevent hate-related #violence. Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
History of Violence Among Mass Shooters
Did you know? 132 of 172 #massshooters in our database displayed a history of #violence through at least 1 of 5 ways (prior sexual offenses, prior physical violence, prior police contact, previous homicides, prior acts of domestic violence). Download our database for more details. Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]