The following is a transcript and video recording of Jillian Peterson and James Densley on Face the Nation. In this interview, they discuss their research on mass shooters, what they found with crisis intervention, how this applies to schools and gun ownership, and much more. Read and watch here. Author: Face the Nation Source: CBS News … [Read more...]
Transcript: Dr. Jillian Peterson and Dr. James Densley on “Face the Nation,” June 12, 2022
What drives mass shooters? Grievance, despair, and anger are more likely triggers than mental illness, experts say.
"Forensic psychologist Jillian Peterson, cofounder of The Violence Project, a think tank dedicated to reducing violence, said mass shooters are typically younger men, channeling their pain and anger through acts of violence and aggression. For many mass shooters, Peterson said, their path to violence begins with early childhood trauma. They often … [Read more...]
A researcher who studies mass shootings explains why an armed security guard would likely not deter a school shooter
Jillian Peterson joins The Lead to discuss why armed security guards will most likely not stop a school shooter. Watch here. Interviewer: Jake Tapper Source: CNN … [Read more...]
2 professors, tracking patterns, try to predict who might carry out a mass shooting
NPR's Leila Fadel speaks with James Densley, a professor at Metropolitan State University in Minnesota, about the lessons he learned from studying a database of mass shooters. Listen or read here. Author: Leila Fadel Source: NPR … [Read more...]
Two Professors Found What Creates a Mass Shooter. Will Politicians Pay Attention?
"Their findings, also published in the 2021 book, The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic, reveal striking commonalities among the perpetrators of mass shootings and suggest a data-backed, mental health-based approach could identify and address the next mass shooter before he pulls the trigger — if only politicians are willing to … [Read more...]