The Violence Project's James Densley commented on the stalled discussion of gun violence laws in the Star Tribune. In this article, he "pointed out that Minneapolis and St. Paul both notched homicide totals last year not seen since the 1990s. 'So if it is the mass shootings that gets the legislators through the door to start talking about this … [Read more...]
Minnesota stalemate on gun laws is contrast to broader national momentum
Why Nearly All Mass Shooters Are Men
This week, a shooting attack at a grocery store in Boulder, Colo., left 10 people dead. Just days earlier, eight people were fatally shot in a rampage targeting spas in the Atlanta area. As with almost every mass shooter in recorded U.S. history, both of the suspects in the recent attacks are men. A staggering 98% of these crimes have been … [Read more...]
Diese Waffen werden glorifiziert – “These weapons are glorified”
"After recent mass shootings with many dead in the USA, calls for stricter gun laws have risen again. Frank Herrmann spoke to James Densley about this. The lawyer co-founded the 'Violence Project' - the most comprehensive database in the US that documents gun violence. BZ: Mr. Densley, following the bloodshed at massage parlors in Georgia and a … [Read more...]
Where Minnesota Lawmakers Stand On Solutions For Gun Violence
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — After the mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, the question of how to stop such violence is once again part of the national conversation. James Densley, a criminal justice professor at Metropolitan State University, helped found the non-partisan Violence Project to study the topic. The Violence Project interviews … [Read more...]
Reducing the Epidemic of Mass Shootings in the United States – If Not Now, When?
The New York State Bar Association Task Force on Mass Shootings and Assault Weapons published a report in November 2020 with recommendations on how to significantly decrease the occurrence of mass shootings. The report cited The Violence Project's data multiple times, including articles published by the LA Times in August and September of 2019. … [Read more...]