The NRA published an article in the wake of three deadly mass shootings citing our op-ed from August 2019, "We Have Studied Every Mass Shooting Since 1966. Here’s What We’ve Learned About The Shooters." From the NRA: "Peterson and Densley wrote in the L.A. Times almost two years ago that, 'most of the shooters had studied the actions of other … [Read more...]
Main Stream Media Super Spreaders
Eine Wartephase nach dem Waffenkauf würde einen Zeitpuffer schaffen – “A waiting phase after buying a weapon would create a time buffer”
After the firearms attacks in Colorado and Atlanta, Professor Densley believes that something will change when it comes to gun laws in the United States Interview with Frank Herrmann from Minneapolis Nach den Schusswaffenangriffen in Colorado und Atlanta glaubt Strafrechtsprofessor Densley, dass sich in puncto Waffengesetze in den USA etwas … [Read more...]
Science has identified common threads in school shootings
Vern Pierson, the El Dorado County District Attorney, wrote a commentary in CalMatters discussing how to address mass shootings. He cited data from The Violence Project's mass shooter database, as well as prevention strategies recommended by Jillian Peterson and James Densley. "The crisis of mass shootings and school shootings is complex. But … [Read more...]
Germany shooting livestreamed despite efforts by tech firms
The livestreamed video of Wednesday's deadly shooting in Halle, Germany has potentially been viewed by millions of people after being posted on the Twitch gaming platform. A Twitch spokesperson has said that "Twitch has a zero-tolerance policy against hateful conduct, and any act of violence is taken extremely seriously." After the Christchurch … [Read more...]
What pushes people to carry out mass shootings, and what can be done to stop them?
The Violence Project's James Densley joined Don Lemon on CNN Tonight to discuss the recent mass shootings. He also discussed the commonalities among shooters, and what we can do to prevent more. View the archival footage here Source: CNN Tonight … [Read more...]