The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County commends the efforts and research of Jillian Peterson and James Densley of The Violence Project in their March 26 column, “Why mass shootings stopped in 2020.” Oftentimes when there is a mass shooting, mental illness is blamed. However, individuals with … [Read more...]
Gun violence column points to need for more interventions on childhood trauma, other crises
It’s Not Hopeless – Vice News Tonight
Thursday, March 25, 2021: Our co-founders Jillian Peterson and James Densley spoke to Krishna Andavolu at Vice News about The Violence Project's research into mass shootings. Starting in the 1960s through the COVID-19 pandemic, they discussed risk factors and the common social script that lead to mass shootings. Watch the interview … [Read more...]
For the COVID-19 pandemic we wear masks. For the pandemic of gun violence, what do we do?
The Violence Project's co-founders Jillian Peterson and James Densley spoke with Alia Dastagir about how we can combat gun violence. "We're acting like these are scary monsters, and they just show up and the best we can do is run faster and hide," Peterson said. "Our goal is to show the pathway for perpetrators, so we can have real … [Read more...]
Why mass shootings stopped in 2020 — and why they are now roaring back
Mass shootings, which had become far less frequent in 2020, have come roaring back. On Monday, a gunman opened fire at a grocery store in Boulder, Colo., killing 10. And this comes on the heels of the Atlanta spa attacks last week that killed eight. We’ve been studying mass shootings, defined as four or more people shot and killed in a public … [Read more...]
School Safety: The Violence Project Speaks
Since the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999, education and public safety policy has emphasized situational crime prevention and law enforcement response in an effort to prevent shooting casualties. School security is now a multi-billion dollar industry. Yet, many of the alleged solutions to school shootings are expensive, dangerous, … [Read more...]