Alan speaks with Dr. Jillian Peterson, Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Hamline University in Minnesota about where we should go after the Uvalde shooting. Listen here. Author: Alan Carter Source: The Alan Carter Radio Program … [Read more...]
‘We know what we need to do’: At least 21 dead after shooting at Texas elementary school
Buffalo massacre highlights how mass shooters are able to obtain weapons legally
"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul took steps Wednesday to strengthen the state’s “red flag” law after an accused gunman in the Buffalo massacre bought the weapon used in the attack despite being held for a mental health evaluation last year. Hamline University criminal justice professor Jillian Peterson, a forensic psychologist and co-founder of The … [Read more...]
Assessing Shooting Threats Is a Matter of Life or Death. Why Aren’t Experts Better at It?
"In Davison, Mich., 20 miles north of the site of the mass shooting at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, a middle schooler sits in prison for threatening a school shooting in 2019. For claiming the “trench coat mafia”—a reference to a debunked 1999 Columbine shooting conspiracy—and drawing up a detailed plan of attack, he was convicted of a 20-year … [Read more...]
CNN Newsroom with Jim Sciutto
Dr. Jillian Peterson discusses the Oxford High School shooting including the role of the perpetrators parents, missed red flags, and what that means for the case overall. Watch here Source: CNN … [Read more...]
Communication of Intent to Do Harm Preceding Mass Public Shootings in the United States, 1966 to 2019
Key Points Question: What factors are associated with a mass shooting perpetrator’s decision to communicate their intent to do harm? Findings: This cross-sectional study of 170 perpetrators found that nearly half leaked their plans, with 44.3% of them leaking specific plans about a mass shooting. Leakage was associated with receiving counseling … [Read more...]