Mass shootings, which had become far less frequent in 2020, have come roaring back. On Monday, a gunman opened fire at a grocery store in Boulder, Colo., killing 10. And this comes on the heels of the Atlanta spa attacks last week that killed eight. We’ve been studying mass shootings, defined as four or more people shot and killed in a public … [Read more...]
Why mass shootings stopped in 2020 — and why they are now roaring back
Mass Shooter Database Version 3 is Now Available
What's new? Version 3 includes two new cases that met our definition from 2020 – far fewer mass shootings than in previous years. A new variable called “insider/outsider” was added to capture whether the perpetrator had an existing relationship with the site of their shooting. At K-12 schools, 85% of mass shooters were insiders. At colleges … [Read more...]
With schools returning to in-person learning, the threat of classroom shootings follows. Here’s how experts say we can prevent them from happening.
The Violence Project co-founder Jillian Peterson told Insider how threat assessment teams can help prevent school shootings, as well as prevent further tragedies like suicide, self-harm, and other forms of violence. "We really focus on things like safe, warm environments with strong relationships between students and adults so people feel more … [Read more...]
Armed officers triple mortality in school shootings, study finds
"Nearly three times as many people die in school mass shootings when an armed officer is present. That’s the finding of a study of every case since 1980, led by Hamline University professor Dr. Jillian Peterson. Dr. Peterson joins Dave Ross to discuss why more weapons means more violence, even the hands of 'the good guys,' what to expect when … [Read more...]
New research finds armed officers increases likelihood of mortality at school shootings
More people die in school shootings where an armed officer is present than when there isn’t, according to a new study published Tuesday that adds a surprising element to the conversation about whether school resource officers make schools safer. The study, led by Hamline University criminal justice professor Jillian Peterson and published in … [Read more...]