"In our study, there was an association between leaking plans and suicidality and prior counseling, suggesting that threats of violence may best be characterized as a cry for help,” Densley said. “Any threat is a critical moment for intervention. So we need to people to be attuned to behavioral change.” The following article discusses the Oregon … [Read more...]
FBI warns of ‘bystander fatigue,’ says it was likely a factor in Oregon District mass shooting
Suicidality of Perpetrators
Nearly 71% of perpetrators of mass shootings were suicidal. Crisis intervention must be prioritized to support those in need. For more data, visit https://www.theviolenceproject.org #data #database #suicide #crisis Source: Twitter Return to all data visualizations … [Read more...]
Communication of Intent to Do Harm Preceding Mass Public Shootings in the United States, 1966 to 2019
Key Points Question: What factors are associated with a mass shooting perpetrator’s decision to communicate their intent to do harm? Findings: This cross-sectional study of 170 perpetrators found that nearly half leaked their plans, with 44.3% of them leaking specific plans about a mass shooting. Leakage was associated with receiving counseling … [Read more...]
Why Nearly All Mass Shooters Are Men
This week, a shooting attack at a grocery store in Boulder, Colo., left 10 people dead. Just days earlier, eight people were fatally shot in a rampage targeting spas in the Atlanta area. As with almost every mass shooter in recorded U.S. history, both of the suspects in the recent attacks are men. A staggering 98% of these crimes have been … [Read more...]
Armed officers triple mortality in school shootings, study finds
"Nearly three times as many people die in school mass shootings when an armed officer is present. That’s the finding of a study of every case since 1980, led by Hamline University professor Dr. Jillian Peterson. Dr. Peterson joins Dave Ross to discuss why more weapons means more violence, even the hands of 'the good guys,' what to expect when … [Read more...]